Restaurant HVAC systems are critical for supplying heat and air conditioning as well as ventilated air in the kitchen and dining area. Ductwork systems circulate air, control temperature, improve ventilation and more. Hennemuth Metal Fabricators can improve your restaurant ventilation system with our professional fabrication and consulting services.
How Restaurant Ductwork Differs From Residential Ductwork
Ductwork system materials and design are suited to the specific application, so ductwork for a restaurant is different from a system installed in a residence. The differences between residential and commercial restaurant ductwork include:
- Size: Residential ductwork is smaller than restaurant ductwork. Restaurants must handle high-capacity air ventilation needs, requiring a larger system.
- Regulatory compliance: Restaurant HVAC systems must meet local and fire codes and be examined regularly for cleaning and maintenance.
- Temperature regulation: Since restaurants host dozens of people, the temperature must be managed to make guests comfortable while eating and employees cool while cooking. Restaurant temperature regulation is also important to preserve food. Like restaurants, homes need to stay at a reasonable temperature for personal comfort, but temperature regulation for food preservation isn't necessary.
- Odor removal: Kitchens generate heat, steam, grease and smells, so commercial HVAC systems remove these from the air. While homes can create odors, residential HVAC systems are more focused on removing pollutants and allergens from the air.
Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Restaurant's HVAC System
If your restaurant ventilation system has any of these issues, consider upgrading to a new and efficient ductwork system from Hennemuth:
- Your energy bills are higher than in previous years.
- The ductwork has physical damage.
- The ductwork doesn't draft air properly.
- Smells from the kitchen are moving into the dining room.
- The temperature varies throughout your restaurant.
- Your kitchen has a buildup of smoke or grease.
- Your restaurant is more humid than usual.
What Does Commercial Kitchen HVAC Ductwork Do?
The ductwork in your restaurant is important for:
- Ventilating and filtering air to maximize air quality.
- Circulating air throughout the restaurant.
- Making the environment comfortable for guests and employees.
- Removing odors and contaminants from the air.
- Managing the hot temperatures in the kitchen.
- Preventing odors from getting into the dining room.
Why Partner With Us?
Hennemuth Metal Fabricators is an established ductwork manufacturer and distributor with a team of experts ready to help you with your ductwork needs. When you choose us, you can expect great customer service and quality-made products.
We have worked with several restaurants in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area. Our local focus and in-stock inventory allows us to offer pickup and delivery services for your convenience.
Contact Us About Commercial Kitchen HVAC Products
Hennemuth is a leading ductwork manufacturer and distributor. Our experts can help with a wide range of services, from ductwork design and consultation to order pickup and delivery. For more information about how we can help your restaurant's HVAC upgrade project, contact us online or call 724-693-9605.